Guess you can probably tell what I did yesterday, arranged my punches. I had punches all over my craft table and needed to get them put away. My DH made the punch hanger above my shelves for me. He is so handy! Got all my punches arranged the way I want them and am so happy. I pass by my craft table as often as I can so I can see what a great job we did. Does anyone else admire their work after spending the better part of the day getting it done? We have worked on getting something to hang punches on for weeks and yesterday it just came together thanks to a lot of serious thought by my DH. Thanks, honey!!!
That is some SERIOUS thinking, Dawn! How lucky that you have a nice, organized space to keep you company on these cold winter days :)
Aww, your hubby is the best! :)
Holy cow! You have A LOT of punches!! The storage looks great!
Wow this is awesome!!!
Wow, you guys are a great team! That is some great storage! :)
That is great punch storage! I have mine organized in storage bins and labeled appropriately (ovals, circles, squares, etc.), but I bet I would use them a lot more if I could see what I have! Fantastic job!
oh my!! that is quite the punch storage! when you visit norfolk, i'm going to kidnap you and have you help me!!:)
Wow, wow, wow!! I'm drooling over here!! LOVE your punch organization!! I so need Clean Sweep to come clean and organize my stamp room!! :D What a great hubby you've got!! Such a supportive guy!!
Wow Dawn this looks awesome! Can you and your hubby come over and do my house?! LOL!
I left you a little something on my blog.
I'm jealous - I have lots of Nestabilities but only two big punches - no room to store them. SIGH!!
Who doesn't love a handy HUBBY! Good Pick Dawn!
How handy is that Hubby of yours !!! Looks really nice. I'll have to show that to my DH. Knowing you like I do, I know how much you luv your punches!!! Way to go girlfriend !!!
Looks awesome! He deserves the "husband of the year" award :)
WOW! And I just keep my in a box (haha). You are so lucky! Love your collection.
Fabulous - I have a hubby who is handy too and I love it!
OMG - I thought I had a lot of punches! Have a great day.
That's so cool!
Awesome idea! Ironically, hubby and I are having the same brain storming sessions about my punch storage. Gotta do something before the new ones arrive! I have a great little rack for the ones I have and would like to purchase another one but my walls are getting full!!!
Love your storage! It looks terrific!
Awesome shelves - how much does he charge? Would he sell the template? I have punches everywhere! Thanks for sharing this lovely, organized picture!
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